PES2019 Evo Switcher 4.0 AIO
Fix Entrance & Winner Celebration:
Bundesliga, Community Shield, Copa del Rey, DFB Pokal, DFL Supercup, FA Cup, LaLiga, Serie A, Premier League.
Add & Fix trophy:
Bundesliga, Community Shield, Copa del Rey, DFB Pokal, DFL Supercup, FA Cup, LaLiga, Serie A, Premier League.
Add Scoreboard & Update
Community Shield, FA Cup, ICC.
Add Team Anthem:
Manchetser United, Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchetser City, WBA, PSG, Real Madrid, Atletico de Madrid, Juve, Ac Milan, Inter Milan, AS Roma, Dortmund, Bayern Munchen,
You can add other anthem.
if you have problem with anthem in smoke patch download & install this:
Password: EvoSwitcher v4.0
How to Install:
Delete previous version of EvoSwitcher (Recomended)
Extract & Install to PES Directory
KONAMI EA @juce @nesa24 @MJTS-140914 @ginda01 @Txak @predator002 @Westham77 @Cesc Fabregas @FuNZoTiK @Furkan6141 @sincover @StevenA97 @shawminator @mauri_d @Chuny @Lucasvillakapo @1002MB @zlac @Hawke @mota10 @EAXposed @Ivankr Pulquero @digitalfoxx @Buzzy @PES Oficial Mexico @spursfan18
EvoSwitcher v4.1 Update
Update all anthem teams @predator002
Update Scoreboard EPL @Cesc Fabregas
Fix anthem bug, Fix ribbon UCL trophy @MJTS-140914
Add Ligue 1 Scoreboard v2, Coupe de France Update Pack, Trophée des Champions Update Pack @FuNZoTiK
Add Scoreboard Copa Del Rey @Hova_Useless
Add EvoDynamicCamera (X-Input Controller support) @juce, @nesa24, @MJTS-140914
EvoKit Update CDR, LaLiga, SUPERCOPA ESPANNA @Glauber Silva
Password: EvoSwitcher v4.1 Update
How to Install:
backup sider.ini
Make sure v4.0 installed
Download v4.0 here
Extract & Install to PES Directory
KONAMI @juce @nesa24 @MJTS-140914 @ginda01 @Txak @predator002 @Westham77 @Cesc Fabregas @FuNZoTiK @Furkan6141 @sincover @StevenA97 @shawminator @mauri_d @Chuny @Lucasvillakapo @1002MB @zlac @Hawke @mota10 @EAXposed @Ivankr Pulquero @digitalfoxx @Buzzy @PES Oficial Mexico @spursfan18 @Glauber Silva @Hova_Useless
Update Fix by MJTS-140914
Fix Flag trimmed after playing FA CUP or Community Shield in Exhibition or other league because the flag is specifically FA CUP & Community Shield scoreboard
Extract & Copy to PES Directory
set EvoRenders.lua to sider.ini above EvoScoreboard.lua
lua.module = "EvoSwitcher\EvoRenders.lua"
lua.module = "EvoSwitcher\EvoScoreboard.lua"